Well, this is a really well designed APRS tracker, with 1 Watt TX power, RX module, both in VHF band. Add the TNC feature, available over a Bluetooth connection, the interfacing with APRS applications (like APRSdroid) or the Mic-E format option and you have a very useful device on portable/mobile activities.
Let start with the first contact with the device, which, to be honest, is very discouraging, but can be solved easly. In order to use the tracker, you need to properly configure it and this can be done via an USB-serial connection. The USB-serial cable is provided within the tracker package and is a clone of Prolific PL2303 USB, so finding the right driver could be a really challenge.
I spent about two days until I succeeded to find the proper driver for various Windows platforms (starting with Win XP), both 32 and 64 bits, at the following link:
Before plug the USB-serial into computer, unpack the ZIP, go in the CH341SER folder and run the setup file. If the computer runs on 64 bits, the setup will automaticaly select the proper drivers for your hardware. After the setup is finished, plug the USB cable and wait the computer to complete the drivers installation.
Keep in mind that you can use the above driver suite also for other similar USB-serial cables (based on CH340G chip) to configure other chinese hand-helds transceivers, like Baofeng or Wouxun.
Now, the next step would be connecting of the tracker to the computer, but some additional preparations are necessay on your Windows. First, you need to download and register the following files:
If your Windows is on 32 bits, the above files should be copied in the C:\Windows\System32 folder. Then, look in this folder for cmd.exe application (the Command Prompt) and run it as Administrator (select the application using the right click on the mouse). For each above file, run the regsrv32.exe command as follows:
> regsvr32.exe c:\windows\system32\mscomm32.ocx
> regsvr32.exe c:\windows\system32\msstdfmt.dll
> regsvr32.exe c:\windows\system32\comdlg32.ocx
In a similar way you have to proceed if your Windows is a 64 bits platform, but the mentioned files should be in a different folder: C:\Windows\SysWOW64. Running also the command prompt as Administrator, register the three files but from the new folder:
> regsvr32.exe c:\windows\syswow64\mscomm32.ocx
> regsvr32.exe c:\windows\syswow64\msstdfmt.dll
> regsvr32.exe c:\windows\syswow64\comdlg32.ocx
Now is the time to launch the setup program, but still are something to do. If you are very anxious to test the tracker, then download one of the bellow executables:
These files represent old versions of the setup software, with very few configuration options, but will work basically with any unconfigured, "freash" and not updated devices. With this minimal software you can set the callsign and the SSID, the DIGI PATH, APRS symbol, the beacon text, the frequency and the output mode. Enough to test the device as soon you unpack it.
If you want to configure and to benefit of more options, you need to run a newer version of the configuration software, but for this is mandatory to update the internal tracker firmware. For this purpose, another application is necessary and can be downloaded using the link below, together with the latest firmware image:
........................... document still in progress ...........................
- Battery voltage range, which ensure functionality: 4.12 V(max) - 3.45 V (min)
- Continously running time: around 30 hours with beacons at 5 minutes intervals
- GPS locked in less than 1 minute (usuallly between 30 and 40 seconds), while stay indoor, near window.
- Recharging time: from 3 hrs and 30 minutes and up to 5 hrs, depending on charging current
- The tracker will not work with APRSdroid if you try to charge it when it is ON. If the device is ON and you use its serial cable or a standard USB cable to recharge the battery, will work only the internal APRS beacon, the bluetooth connection with the APRSdroid being stopped.
- useful site: http://avrtx.cn/