WSPR signal improvement
In my last post, I mentioned a WSPR experiment based on Raspberry Pi and the QRPi module. At that moment, the QRPi was connected directly...
WSPR using Raspberry Pi
Recently, I put into operation a 100 mW WSPR transmitter, based on the QRPi shield (,...
Three SSTV QSOs succeeded today, using FT-817 and a random wire antenna, helped by a LDG Z817 autotuner.
Complete SSTV QSO
Today, I succeeded a complete SSTV QSO with G4VRT, using FT-817 (5 Watts) and DX-HF-PRO1 whip antenna. As decoder software, DroidSSTV.
Starting SSTV tests
I had few attempts in the past to make SSTV QSOs, mainly in VHF, but without notable results. In the last week-end, I resumed these tests...