Starting SSTV tests
I had few attempts in the past to make SSTV QSOs, mainly in VHF, but without notable results. In the last week-end, I resumed these tests and very quickly, working portable, I received two answer-images from IU1HGO.

Unfortunately, an unhappy incident with the LiPo battery stops me to send my report to IU1HGO. 30 minutes later, after partial recharge of the battery, the condx decreased and I was not able to answer him, even his images from other QSOs continue to appear on my screen.
My working conditions were FT-817ND, LDG Z817 auto-tuner and DX-HF-PRO-1 multi-band whip antenna.
Meanwhile, I discovered a very useful collection of sites which receive SSTV signals on various frequencies (, one of these being YO3FWL, at about 8 km distance from my location. Having this possibility to monitor and adjust my SSTV signals, I will continue to transmit CQ and general images, waiting the oportunity to have first complete SSTV QSOs.