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Finally, I decided what my new transceiver is

Yaesu FT-817ND was, for a long time, my only multimode and multiband transceiver, having really good results with random wires and whip antennas. The years when solar activity was very low, makes me thinking to add a power amplifier, but, in the end, in terms of costs and portability, the best choice was to acquire a compact transceiver.

I took into account all the important manufacturers, but Yaesu 891 and 991 transceivers remained in the short list, mainly because of the costs. While for VHF/UHF I already own a FTM-100DE C4FM transceiver, Yaesu FT-891 became the winner.

Since for so many years I worked only QRP, I started working with the new transceiver with a maximum of 20W, using the same antennas. The differences are obvious, managing to work DX stations that with the FT-817ND I only receive.


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Content added by YO3FVR, between 2018 and 2024 based on personal experience and public information provided by other authors, companies, organizations and websites, mentioned in the "Credits" section (in progress...).

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