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Add some power to work APRS via ISS

All my successful tries to work APRS via International Space Station were performed using 5 watts transceivers in whip antennas. Today, I've tried using FTM-100DE with around 10 watts in a portable whip, interfaced with APRSdroid through PLX Tracker, all in a very open outside space. Starting with 49 degrees elevation, 3 APRS beacons passed easily via ISS.

Few hours later, with same RIG and surrounded by high buildings, but with good visibility through to the ascending part of ISS, I succeeded another three "shoots" (HI), two beacons and one SMS to Twitter via SHAMS.

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Content added by YO3FVR, between 2018 and 2024 based on personal experience and public information provided by other authors, companies, organizations and websites, mentioned in the "Credits" section (in progress...).

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