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Wires-X communication enabled on FTM-100DE

Starting with February 2019, Yaesu released new firmware versions for main boards, DSPs and panels of FTM-100D and FTM-400 transceivers, in order to allow direct connection to the Wires-X network, via USB cable to a computer with Wires-X dedicated software and an Internet connection.

The only difficult part in the firmware upgrade process is the mechanical operation over the small switches from main unit and panel, which requires a good light and sharp view.

In the end, the only challenge remains the finding of a populated Wires-X room, in order to perform some tests and to start using this feature. I recommend CQ-Canada-VE1AO (ID 40678) or America-Link (ID 21080), which contain a lot of nodes and repeaters.

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Content added by YO3FVR, between 2018 and 2024 based on personal experience and public information provided by other authors, companies, organizations and websites, mentioned in the "Credits" section (in progress...).

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