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Images received from NOAA satellites

In the last two days, I tested a very simple setup to receive and decode signals transmitted by the NOAA weather satellites. The configuration consists in a VHF/UHF whip, connected to a DX Patrol SDR (RTL2832U based), followed by SDR Sharp application and finally WXtoImage (freeware edition) as decoding software.

Using a magnetic base, I fixed the antenna with an angle less than 90 degress from the ground and perpendicular with the satellite's North-South direction.

I use this setup for high elevation passes of NOAA-15 and NOAA-18 (78 and 80 degrees, respectively).

If the first test, with NOAA-15, seemed very promising

the second one, with NOAA-18 was a real success, WXtoImage generating two great pictures after decoding:

The video recordings of these experiments are available below:



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