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First accurate image decoded from Meteor M2

In the last weeks, among the receptions of NOAA satellites, I have tried many times to get a better image from the Meteor-M2 satellite, but each time, even if the signals were very strong, the resulting images contained more colored lines than clear pictures.

Finally, today, I succeeded to decode a very accurate image, 45 minutes after the pass of the NOAA-15 satellite, so I also had the opportunity to compare the two types of images.

Right under the white space, can be seen the arch of the Carpathians Mountains and below, the Danube river.

For reception I used the same SDR DX-Patrol with SDR Sharp software and Meteor Demodulator add-on. As antennas, same V-dipole for satellite elevation bigger than 30 degrees and the UHF whip for elevations below 30 degrees. To obtain the image, I used LRPToffLine Decoder software.

For comparison, the NOAA-15 image previously received is the following:


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Content added by YO3FVR, between 2018 and 2024 based on personal experience and public information provided by other authors, companies, organizations and websites, mentioned in the "Credits" section (in progress...).

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