ISS Activity Week-end
This week-end was dedicated to ISS activity. On 6th and 7th of August, International Space Station started a new SSTV experiment for Moscow Aviation Institute. Using my old MAAS AHT-2UV handheld and a whip foldable antenna, I succeeded to receive 5 SSTV images, from which two images were perfect decoded with Robot36 for Android.

The next day, I tried my luck with APRS packets via ISS, using same handheld and antenna. The sending was successful, but completely no receiving. After few tests with the normal APRS radio network, I found out that the new versions of APRSdroid software installed on new Android OS platforms, are not able to decode APRS packets. I downgraded to APRSdroid 1.5 version and I will continue the tests in the next days.
